The Successful Mentality Series - Start and End Each Day With a Clean Room

Profile photo of Brittany Miller
By Brittany Miller

I am writing this blog for my stepdaughter and the many young adults like her who struggle with both their identity and setting up their mentality for success.  This will be the first in a series of blogs.

Let’s get a little personal

My Mom and I - very early life

From the moment I entered this world, I was thrust into a life defined by financial hardship, a narrative shared by countless other Americans. In the innocence of childhood, the weight of our economic struggles often eluded me; it was merely the backdrop of my existence. But at the age of five, my world shifted dramatically when my father left, leaving my mother to shoulder the responsibility of raising our family single-handedly.

My mother emerged as my unwavering hero in the face of adversity. The gratitude I feel for her presence in my life deepens with every passing year. Now, as an adult, I recognize the immense value of the principles she instilled in me, principles that were often absent in households facing similar circumstances.

Fast-forwarding through the years following my father's departure, a pivotal realization dawned upon my mother. Balancing two jobs to sustain us would sever the precious time she could spend with me – an arrangement incompatible with the life we aspired to lead. Fueled by her unyielding determination, she adopted a creative approach, honing her skills to transcend poverty's grasp and provide for our family on a single income.

My journey took another transformative turn when I entered college. Here, amid the bustling campus life and diverse perspectives, I began to realize the complexities of transcending socioeconomic boundaries. The classroom discussions, combined with my personal experiences, shed light on the challenges that come with transitioning from a low-income background to the middle class.

Rather than succumbing to the self-imposed constraints that society might have expected, like my mother, I embraced the idea that my potential was not confined by my circumstances. This shift in mindset was the catalyst that set me on a path of transformation, a journey from merely surviving to truly thriving.

As an adult, I've successfully transformed my life. My husband and I now enjoy a beautiful home close to the beach, a haven where we're fortunate enough to work remotely.

A few weeks ago, my stepdaughter moved in with us. In her, I see reflections of my past self—a young soul yearning for a different life but unsure of the steps to reach it. Her presence and journey ignited the spark that propelled me to create this blog. 

So what was different for me?

My mom and I - today

From a very early age, my mother insisted on one daily ritual—cleaning my room before setting foot outside for school. It might have seemed like a mundane chore back then, but little did I realize the profound impact it would have on shaping my mindset and approach to life.

Each morning, before the sun had fully risen, I found myself tidying up my room under my mother's watchful eye. At the time, it felt like a routine task, a simple checkbox to tick before heading off to face the challenges of the day. However, this seemingly ordinary act was the cornerstone of what would become my unique foundation for success.

The act of cleaning my room, set my day in motion with purpose. As I made my bed and put things in order, I was unknowingly preparing myself for the challenges ahead. There's a peculiar magic in starting your day by conquering a small task; it serves as a reminder that you possess the capability to manage the bigger challenges as well.

In time, I came to understand that life gives you many obstacles you cannot control. But always one constant remained: the state of my room - the one thing I could always control. It was my sanctuary, my realm of stability. In a world where so much was unpredictable, maintaining a clean room was my steadfast anchor, a testament to my ability to command order within the scope of my influence.

Beyond its symbolic significance, a clean room rewarded me daily. It was a tangible affirmation that my efforts bore fruit. This small but significant achievement set the tone for the day, setting the pace for a string of accomplishments, each building upon the last.

What habits of success can a clean room instill?  

A clean room, seemingly unassuming, can be the fertile ground from which a multitude of success-enabling habits sprouts. It's not merely about tidiness; it's about cultivating a mindset and a set of practices that foster growth, discipline, and achievement. Here are the invaluable habits of success that a clean room can instill:

1. Accountability:

The act of maintaining a clean room nurtures a sense of personal responsibility. Each time you tidy up, you're taking ownership of your environment and acknowledging your role in maintaining order. This accountability transcends the confines of your room, extending to all areas of your life, where you become proactive in shaping your outcomes.

2. Discipline:

Consistency is the bedrock of success, and a clean room encourages the cultivation of this essential trait. Regularly tidying your space requires commitment and adherence to a routine. This practice of discipline ripples through your actions, helping you stay on track with your goals and aspirations.

3. Organization:

A clean room isn't merely the absence of clutter; it's a reflection of thoughtful organization. Just as items have their designated places in your room, your goals and tasks can find their order in your life. This structured approach enhances your ability to prioritize effectively, ensuring that you tackle the most important tasks first.

4. Time Management:

The ritual of maintaining a clean room involves allocating time for this task amidst your busy schedule. This practice of managing your time to include routine upkeep translates into improved time management skills overall. You learn to allocate time for what matters, striking a balance between responsibilities and personal growth.

5. Attention to Detail:

The meticulousness required to clean a room fosters an appreciation for detail. This heightened attention to detail carries over into other endeavors, where you become adept at spotting nuances that might elude others. Success often hinges on the finer points, and a clean room sharpens your ability to perceive them.

6. Self-Care:

Taking the time to ensure your room is clean is an act of self-care. It demonstrates your commitment to creating a comfortable and nurturing environment for yourself. This practice of self-care extends beyond your room, fostering a holistic approach to your well-being and contributing to your overall success.

7. Positivity and Creativity:

A clutter-free space paves the way for positive thinking and creativity. When your surroundings are in order, your mind can explore new ideas without being encumbered by physical chaos. This mental clarity fuels innovation and opens doors to fresh perspectives, propelling you forward in your endeavors.

8. Resilience:

A clean room embodies resilience—it's a space that rebounds from disorder to order. This symbolism can be applied to challenges in life. Just as you restore your room's cleanliness, you can overcome setbacks and emerge stronger, equipped with the ability to adapt and thrive.

How can a clean room change your mentality?   

The impact of a clean room extends far beyond its physical appearance; it has the power to reshape your entire mentality. When you walk into a tidy space, a subtle shift occurs in your mind. The clutter-free environment creates a canvas of clarity, mirroring the mental clarity that follows. As you engage in the process of cleaning and organizing, you're engaging in a ritual of mindfulness. This mindfulness seeps into your consciousness, fostering a sense of control and accomplishment that sets the tone for your day.

It can also serves as a catalyst for change, prompting you to adopt a proactive approach to your surroundings. This proactive attitude becomes a cornerstone of your mindset, spurring you to take charge of other aspects of your life as well. As you develop the habit of maintaining order, you're developing the habit of intentional living. This habit echoes in your decisions, pushing you to prioritize your goals, discard distractions, and embrace the pursuits that truly matter.

The act of cleaning your room becomes an exercise in self-care, an act of kindness you extend to yourself. This self-care echoes in your thoughts, prompting you to treat yourself with the same compassion and consideration you show your environment. With each clean-up session, you're sending a message to your subconscious that you deserve a space of serenity and that your well-being is paramount.

Furthermore, it reshapes your relationship with discipline and accountability. By consistently upholding the order, you're cultivating the habits of consistency and responsibility. These habits naturally spill over into your endeavors beyond the confines of your room. You become attuned to the notion that your actions, whether small or significant, influence the outcomes you seek.

As a parent how do I get my child to clean their room?  

Guiding children to maintain a clean room is a practice that extends beyond the realm of tidiness; it's a fundamental lesson in responsibility, discipline, and self-respect. Reflecting on my own experience with my stepdaughter, I've come to appreciate the profound impact this practice can have on their journey toward personal transformation.

Children, much like adults, thrive in environments that promote order and structure. As a parent, it's crucial to communicate the significance of a clean room beyond its immediate appearance. When my stepdaughter moved in with us, it became evident that instilling the habit of daily room maintenance wasn't just about keeping her surroundings neat—it was about fostering a mindset primed for growth and change.

Each day, the simple act of cleaning her room has become a stepping stone towards her transformation. By engaging in this routine, she's not only preserving the physical order but also planting the seeds of discipline, responsibility, and accountability. She's learning that her immediate environment can be a reflection of her commitment to herself and her goals.

It's important to recognize that not encouraging children to keep their rooms clean can be a form of negligence. Beyond the immediate inconvenience of a cluttered space, children miss out on crucial life lessons. By not instilling the importance of order and cleanliness, we deny them the opportunity to cultivate habits that transcend their living space—habits that are essential for personal and professional success.

Furthermore, guiding children toward a clean room is a lesson in self-respect. It teaches them that their space, their belongings, and ultimately, themselves, are deserving of care and attention. This self-respect extends into their relationships, shaping how they interact with others and how they present themselves to the world.

As parents, it's our responsibility to impart these lessons. Encouraging a clean room isn't about imposing rules; it's about nurturing an environment where our children can flourish mentally, emotionally, and academically. By imparting the importance of maintaining a clean room, we're providing them with the tools they need to develop habits that will serve them throughout their lives.